Thursday, 18 September 2008

A happy news..yet study, study, study

Alhamdulillah, today I received an email from my professor of Finance that I score a good result in her paper. 9 out of 10. I can't believe it. That is really awesome. The best grade I ever obtained so far since I start this particular course.

Actually studying in Europe is different from other places, and far far different from studying in Malaysia. Here we are expected to be fully independence. Truly independence. A good student, straight 'A's will be below average here. (Okay, I may sound exaggerating but my point is, it is difficult to be on top). It is not because we are less clever or less brilliant, but we are so accustomed to spoon-feed. When arguing on a statement, or giving opinion, we are expected to say which school of thought we are following, who we are quoting, who says this and who opposed to it etc, etc,etc. And I feel really stupid. I thought it is only me, and me alone. But when I discussed this matter with a friend who is studying in Germany, she is agreed. We sometimes feel de-motivated but life has to go on as this is the path we are choosing, Err...right Zarina?

And when talking about studying, some people asked, why studying? Can't I get a good job with my degree? I know I can get a decent job, more than enough money to fulfill my expenses, yet I love to study. Not because I want to get a good pay (but it comes simultaneously after I obtained the scroll), not because I want to get the title in front of my name, far less dreaming to be Times magazine's person of the year, but the fact is I just love study. Strange? My significant half agrees to some extend, but he encourages me. VERY MUCH, as long as I am happy.

And to my auntie, in Pasir Gudang, you know I dedicated this entry to you, as promised. So, dear my cousins (my auntie's daughter-lah, who else) studying is important. If we can't share the knowledge with others, at least we can use it for our survival later. And at least by succeeding in study, we make our parents happy, we have the possibility to have better life as we can get better job. Better job means better $$$. And knowledge really can change people life, it is 'evergreen'. Yeah, I know, you will say, most artists do not have paper qualification, yet they are rich. How rich they are? How long they can survive? And can you sing? Can you act? Ohh.. you want to be a model, then I will ask, how long you can maintain your youthfulness and beauty? Make your parents happy, they will pray for you and your life will be blessed.

I know I sound like a preacher today, but I am really happy for everybody who is eager to gain knowledge. On whatever means, with knowledge, I strongly believe that we are better person. 'Gain knowledge, even you have to travel till China'.


Anonymous said...

a'ah.. i agree too.. memang study abroad takde spoon feed langsung.. kadang2 tu lain yang di ajar.. lain yang kuar exam.. kena rajin pi buat reference here and there..

good for you.. love studying mmg patut teach.. i love studying too.. tapi i feel a bit sickening to have to sit for exams.. adusss.. rasa macam tak sanggup dah lagi nak belajar.. taktau lak la kot2 lepas kawin ni teringin lak..

Zara in Germany said...

so true...

Anonymous said...

Congrates yer Merl.. jealous tau bila tgk org yg bersemangat study ni.. me?? mula2 semangat lepas tuh hampess sket..hehe.. tataulaa semangat tuh dtg balik tak nnti bila smbg master.

Kmar said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! Wow.. what a cool result!! Rezeki anak la tu...eem... also because it is Ramadan.. he.he.he...

I am so happy for you. You GO GIRL!!! Super mommy can be top achiever too, betul tak??

Honeysuckle said...

Makasih semua, makasih.. semanagat nk blajo lg.