Saturday, 20 September 2008

A quick one..

I just have a YM session with my dad, gosh I missed him. A lot! Only Allah knows how much I missed him. Sometimes my memory goes back to the time when I was small. I shared my happy moments of him with my husband. I told my husband the story how he cooked for me late nite before I felt sick with chicken pox (or measles? Got confused between the two). He also brushed my hair. He brought me to visits when he was patronizing the students of Pusat Pertanian Ayer Hitam, especially the trip to Penang. We went hunting, played many games ( we won many games during family days, thus other family got jelous!).When we went for 'jemputan kawin' (marriage reception), we always wear the same shade of colors, and a full baju kurung and baju melayu, we laugh a lot.We even had bad days, together. I don't want to talk about the bad days, but we gone through it together, very hard, for years. And it made our relation stronger.

I know when it comes to life, some people are more fortunate than other. But I believe, we are the one to brand it as fortunate or not. I am blessed with all the hardship I have went through, I found my dad is happy with ibu, I am happy with parents, my the one and only brother, and sisters too. And I know with their 'doa' I finally blessed with a good husband that people can see now I am truly happy. I don't care much about money, about reputation, about prestige. But now, I am enjoying my life, doing things that I love, and I want to take care of my family.


Anonymous said...

Mesti Merl sgtt rapat ngan ayah kann.. huhu.. I miss my mom n dad too.. Dah sethn lebih menanggung rindu. Selalunya I la yg paling manja ngan diorg, dulu time stusy n keje, weekend jer for sure balik kg. Kalau laaa France-Taiping macam Taiping-Penang kan bagusss.. huhu..

Honeysuckle said...

mmg rapat sgt, dh kawin pun masih duduk bwh ketiak, tp time en zulkffli xde la. Ada en zulkffli, baik duk ngan en zulkffli. hehehe