Friday 28 November 2008

Indonesia tour - Part I I (Solo )

During the visit to Solo, I took the opportunity to learn about my roots. My father's late grand dad was from Boyolali, Semarang, a town nearby. I never been there, but I told my self, one day, ojala (I hope). So here are those pictures around Kraton Solo and Chandi Sukuh.
At one of mural in Keraton Solo
Gold carriage of the king, only used once
'Dandang' the old-fashioned rice cooker
After a tiring day, at Solo Mall enjoying our dinner
The followings are pictures at Chandi Sukuh, one of the sacred fertility temple according to the local, heritage from Hinduism
The offerings for better decedents err aka more children?
They don't called this place Fertility Temple for nothing...
The chandi...
The story...
The visitors....
An urchin who had grown up..

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